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« Montreal-based guitarist, composer, arranger, and educator, Michel Héroux allowed his latest instrumental piece, Folk Song, to become a paragon of his fusionist prestige. His ability to translate technical skill, while balancing jazz, blues, rock, pop, rock, classical and experimental elements, into profoundly evocative sensory experiences which transcend auditory bliss is superlative –           to say the least. »

Amelia Vandergast - A&R Factory - 2024

« Now...carefully constructed instrumental progressive guitar rockers...multi-guitar stratification and melodic splendor. »

René Yedema - iO Pages magazine - 2019

« Now is a deeply satisfying album of instrumental guitar rock music by Canadian musician, educator and composer Michel Héroux. Now combines dazzling guitar hero rock, mesmerizing avant-garde jazz guitar similar to Bill Frisell’s work and skillfully-crafted progressive rock. »

Angel Romero - - 2019


« Now ...far too good for a limited amount of listens! There are a lot of influences shining through on the music on this album. Think folk, jazz, and prog rock. And while that may sound an eclectic mix, the songs delivered make perfect sense. And yes, no shredding, even though the guitar is the hero here.

Lots of feel from all involved, various moods and luscious grooves on offer. Diverse and vibrant, a great album to visit and re-visit! » - 2020

«...delicate jazzy interludes, acoustical refinement, light bluesy breezes, quiet moments or full-on rock; everything is minutely intertwined with precision and great care. Altogether it gives a cohesive, yet very diverse and organic atmosphere throughout, adding a distinctly personal stamp. This is most evident on Unravel, a song by Icelandic star Björk, which now in its new environment completely bears the Héroux mark... This is a recommendable and memorable musical voyage where slowly en route, underlying deep layers at long last reveal themselves, broadening the appeal of the album and thus showing its progressiveness. For guitar purists, there is a lot more on offer within the varied and skilfully played styles exposed on the album. »

Jan Buddenberg - Dutch Progressive Rock Page - 2019

«...wandering acoustic guitars, melodic guitar overlays, rhythm guitars and atmospheric laden guitar solo runs mix and alternate throughout this album, supported by a crafty and skilled rhythm section. Some blues-tinged details will thrown in here and there, alongside the aforementioned nods in the direction of jazz and the rather more prevalent psychedelic rock details. But style and execution isn't what makes this album an enjoyable one, nor the compelling and at times striking melodies explored. The attention to details is what makes this production a rather memorable one as far as I'm concerned...a well made and really enjoyable example of instrumental rock. An album made with careful attention to details, and featuring components that will interest many fans of progressive rock...»

Progressor - 2019

« guitare est à l’honneur sans virer à la virtuosité démonstrative pour autant...un voyage dans la guitare et des micro-histoires musicales. » - 2019


«..."Now" est sorti en janvier dernier. Beaucoup moins teintés jazz que ses prédecesseurs, sur une base classique guitare-basse-batterie, les morceaux oscillent entre des influences blues et rock, pour donner un ensemble nettement prog' instrumental, auquel on adhère des 2 oreilles !... À écouter de toute urgence ! »

JesterProg Blog - 2019

« The aptly titled Collage is a perfect testament to perhaps the finest guitarist in Canada. Jazz is an umbrella term at best to describe improvisational based music. Canadian guitar phenom Michel Heroux has been quietly working the Montreal music scene for more than a quarter of a century, Collage highlights a virtuoso like ability on electric, acoustic and virtually any genre specific label that can be found lurking between the two. Collage is a musical smorgasbord of harmonic self discovery as Heroux moves from a high octane swing to an introspective and intimate blues and back to a more pop based sound that few guitarists would even consider attempting. The chill acoustic flavor of "Tango" pairs nicely with the blues nasty groove of "October Blues." Six string aficionados should have a field day with this release, a lyrical sense of purpose finds Heroux as technically proficient as he is artistically gifted. Duets, trios and quartets finds Michel Heroux more than comfortable in any ensemble setting. If asked to pick ten guitar oriented releases to take to that mythical desert island, Collage would certainly make the list. One of the most impressive guitarists you will ever hear. One of Canada's best kept musical secrets! »

Brent Black - Bop-N-Jazz - (Critical - 2014

« Conversation met en relief ses multiples talents dans un répertoire de dix compositions originales, à la fois modernes et accessibles, passant du hard-bop à la fusion ou aux rythmes brésiliens et latinisants. La formule du quintette avec saxophone ténor et trompette n’est pas neuve, mais un vent d’air frais

souffle quand même ici.»

Marc Chénard - La Scena Musicale - 2007


« …Michel Héroux, from Montreal's Bacchus, has the ability to reach beyond clichés in his exotic solo flights. »

Mike Varney - Guitar Player Magazine  - 1996    

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